El arte de relajarse: Cómo el estrés afecta el envejecimiento y cómo combatirlo - Tienda Método R

The art of relaxing: How stress affects aging and how to combat it

Modern life is full of demands and pressures that can cause stress. Although stress is the body's natural response to challenging situations, excess stress can have detrimental effects, not only on our overall health, but also on the aging process of the skin and body. In this article, we will talk about the connection between the brain and the skin and how stress very directly affects our skin, as well as our SlowAging philosophy to combat and reduce stress.

The link between stress and skin

When we face stressful situations, the body releases hormones such as cortisol, which, in excess, can contribute to the premature aging . Chronic stress accelerates the cellular oxidation process and can affect the body's ability to repair and renew tissues. Furthermore, it can influence the quality of sleep, diet and personal care habits , all crucial to maintaining healthy skin.

The skin and the brain have the same embryonic origin and are intimately connected . That's why when we feel an emotion we immediately turn red or get goosebumps. And the amount of emotions that caresses, a kiss or simply holding our hand generate in us... skin diseases, such as psoriasis, acne or vitiligo, can influence people's mood, producing states of anxiety, depression and lack of self-esteem . And on the contrary, there are many diseases or mental states that can have repercussions on the skin: from the worsening of dermatitis or an infinite number of conditions caused or worsened by stress.

How does stress affect aging?

He Stress can contribute to premature skin aging through several mechanisms and can have a negative impact on the health and appearance of the skin:

Excess Cortisol

Stress activates the release of hormones, cortisol being one of them. Excess cortisol in the body can break down collagen, a protein essential for skin elasticity and firmness. Collagen loss contributes to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.

Cellular Oxidation

Chronic stress can increase the production of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells, including skin cells. This oxidative damage can accelerate the aging process.


Stress can also trigger inflammatory responses in the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to a number of health problems, including those related to the skin. Inflammation can contribute to skin problems such as redness, tenderness, and other skin disorders.

Decreased Cellular Regeneration

Stress can interfere with cell regeneration processes. Healthy skin is constantly renewed as dead cells are replaced by new cells. Stress can slow this process, affecting the skin's ability to stay fresh and rejuvenated.

Changes in Personal Care Habits

People under high levels of stress often neglect their self-care habits. They may sleep less, have a less balanced diet, and neglect their skin care routine. These additional factors can contribute to premature skin aging.

Harmful Habits

In stressful situations, some people turn to harmful habits such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption, both of which have additional negative impacts on skin health.

It is important to note that the response to stress can vary from person to person, and not everyone will experience the same effects on their skin. However, stress management is essential for overall health and can have significant benefits on the appearance and health of your skin in the long term.

Adopting stress-reducing practices, such as meditation, regular exercise, having a social life, hobbies, and good time management, can be beneficial in preserving the youth and vitality of your skin.

Strategies to Combat Stress: SlowAging mentality

The good news is that it can be combated both stress and its effects on the skin.

  • SlowAging routine R method : a simple and effective cosmetic routine that, in addition to simplifying skin care, offers ingredients that combat the damaging effects of stress on the skin.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation Practices : Regular meditation can calm the mind and reduce the impact of chronic stress. Meditation does not require much time and is easy to introduce into our routine.
  • Regular Exercise : Physical activity releases endorphins, known as the "happiness hormones," which counteract the effects of stress. Additionally, exercise improves blood circulation and contributes to healthier skin in many other ways. We certainly fervently recommend it.
  • Good Nutrition : A balanced diet rich in antioxidants can help combat the negative effects of stress on the skin. Include fruits, vegetables, legumes and all kinds of vegetables in your diet. Try to make your diet based mostly on unprocessed foods.
  • Quality Rest and Sleep : Sleep is crucial for cell regeneration and collagen production. Establish regular sleep routines and create an environment conducive to rest. And above all… prioritize it!
  • Social Connection : Maintain healthy relationships and seek emotional support. Spend time with the people you love and who love you.
  • Hobbies : Spend time doing activities that you are passionate about.
  • Relaxing Skin Care: Incorporate relaxing rituals into your skin care routine. Use products with relaxing aromas and comforting textures. Transform your skin care into a moment of affection and connection with you. You only have one skin. Pamper her, take care of her, thank her.

So, how do we combat stress?

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but how we manage it can make a difference in our overall health and well-being. Adopting stress reduction practices not only benefits our mind, but also preserves the youthfulness of our skin and body.

The art of relaxing is an investment in our long-term health, allowing us to age with dignity and vitality. Take the time to care for both your mind and your skin, and you will see the benefits in all aspects of your life. Adopt the SlowAging mentality. Wellness begins with the art of relaxing!

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