vacunación infantil de la Fundación “La Caixa”

Method R supports the children's vaccination plan of the “La Caixa” Foundation

For Medio R, sustainability has always been deep in our roots. Reduce. Fix. Re-use. The R is a representation of the values ​​we want to transmit.

Since the founding of the company we have wanted to contribute our grain of sand with cosmetic products that respect the planet, and those who live on it. Faithful to this line of action, we show solidarity with different charitable causes, such as when at Christmas we set up the solidarity stand in collaboration with the Aladina foundation .

The latest solidarity action by Method R has been in association with the “La Caixa” Foundation. The objective? Childhood vaccination, one of the biggest health challenges on a global scale, and even more so in recent years marked by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ”la Caixa” Foundation created the Alliance in 2008, with the aim of offering Spanish companies the opportunity to collaborate in the project that fights against infant mortality. 15 years later, more than 8 million children under 5 years of age have already been vaccinated.

We are pleased to announce that Method R's contribution will be used to distribute the pneumococcal vaccine in Mozambique and Ethiopia to prevent pneumonia, the leading cause of childhood mortality from infectious diseases on a global scale.

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